John C. McGinley was on the "McEnroe" show (CNBC) last night, and I really enjoyed the interview. He was asked if he ever gets as verbally abusive in real life as his character on SCRUBS does, and he said something like (what I heard was) "only when someone is demeaning special needs kids, then they get a full measure of my wrath" . . . then went on with the interview. His promotion of Buddy Walks and revealing of his son's Ds was later, at the end of the interview. My point in relaying this is that, when he made the first statements, there was no explanation, no "I do this because". Ds was the reason he was there, but it was not the focus of the entire interview, nor did it dominate the conversation. It is a part of his life, not the only reason he's around. As I think it should be. I consider it to be an inside joke when he "goes off" on an underling, I know where that energy is coming from!